The Wind-Up Toy Prince Transcript (2024)

This is the episode transcript of The Wind-Up Toy Prince.

Episode Preview[]

Murray: {V.O} On the next episode of Winnie the Pooh meets The Little Einsteins.

Skipper: DJ's gone!

Shaggy Rogers: Like, worser when Leo's baton got stolen!

Tigger: This is terrible.

Skipper: I'm nothing without DJ!

Murray: {V.O} But, DJ's not the only one in peril.

Leo: We're going to save the Toy Prince!

Hitch Trailblazer: Better keep an eye out for the baddies.

Murray: {V.O} But when Demon Pooh and the mice team up, they added a new part to stop them.

Demon Pooh: You saw how Clara becomes friends with a nutcracker, let's see how she stops you now.

Murray: {V.O} Can the heroes and Little Einsteins save DJ and the toy prince?

Taffy: We're coming to save you, DJ!

Rookie: You too, prince!

Murray: {V.O} Watch what happens when the team meet "The Wind-Up Toy Prince".

Episode Title, Art, and Music[]

Cinderella: The Wind-Up Toy Prince.

June: Art, Little Dancer of Fourteen Years.

Greg: Art by, Edgar Degas.

Annie: And music.

{The Nutcracker Suite}

Leo: The Nutcracker Suite.

Lumpy: Music by, Peter Iilich Tchaikovsky.

The Wind-Up Toy Prince[]

{We now see June and Skipper}

June: Hi, I'm June.

Skipper: And I'm Skipper.

June: And we're here with our friends in Iceland.

Skipper: Yeah, and it's not that cold up here.

Velma Dinkley: Usually, the winters are warm in Iceland.

Fred Jones: That's interesting.

Bert: So, I bet you're wondering why we are here?

June: Well, Skipper's going to tell one of my favorite stories.

Skipper: It's called The Toy Prince.

Scooby Doo: Wow!

Elmo: Ooh, that reminds Elmo of The Nutcracker Ballet.

June: But this is different.

Skipper: It's called The Performer and The Toy Prince.

June: {To the viewers} Do you want to hear my story about the Toy Prince? Excellent!

Skipper: It even has ballet in this story. Here we go. {Narrates} Once upon a time in the Land of Toys, there lived a toy prince.

{The prince wore a crown and had wore a blue shirt, red pants, and brown boots}

Skipper: {Narrates} This prince can make any toy feel happy. It made a ball happy, a doll happy, a jack happy, and even a little toy train. And when he saw his friend, the Teddybear feeling sad, he would do special ballet moves to make him happy. He would do ballet moves like a plié, achapé, battement, and a sauté. And guess what? The Teddybear felt better when the prince danced.

Sunny Starscout: Wow! He really does have a heart.

Skipper: {Narrates} But now everyone loved The Toy Prince. One day, a really bad mouse came. This mouse really wanted to be in charge, so he said, "I will make sure that prince never dances". So, he took something while the prince wasn't looking at him.

Pooh: {To the viewers} Can you guess what the mouse took?

{The mouse stole the winder upper}

Pooh: Yes! The winder-upper!

Skipper: {Narrates} Soon, the prince realizes that his dancing got slower and slower, until, he stopped and stayed still as a statue.

Annie: Oh no!

Greg: Oh what?

Annie: The prince is down.

Skipper: {Narrates} Now that the prince wouldn't dance, the mouse decided that he will be The Mouse King. "Now, everyone will bow to their new king" laughed The Mouse King. The toys are so sad when the prince left in peril. What made them even more sad was that they cannot find a performer that can help the little toys out.

{The play was done}

Tigger: Aw, the poor prince.

Roo: We gotta find him.

{Soon, Skipper noticed one hero missing}

Skipper: Guys, wait. Someone's missing.

{They couldn't see DJ, Skipper's puppy}

Pooh: {Gasps} We're missing one puppy.

Skipper: {Gasps} DJ!

{They couldn't find DJ}

Lumpy: Where could DJ be?

Pablo: Yeah, and why would he miss a good story.

Tigger: You got that right.

Honey: DJ, where are you?

Rookie: Come out, come out, wherever you are.

{Leo checks through his binoculars and spots DJ}

Leo: Guys, look! There's DJ!

DJ: {Barks worried}

Skipper: {Gasps} Oh no! How did that happen?

{They saw Demon Pooh and his creation, Evil Clara trapping DJ in the castle}

Demon Pooh: Guess it's time you become one stray puppy.

Evil Clara: Time for you to live off kibble and dog treats.

Sunny Starscout: Oh no! They captured DJ in a castle!

Pooh: Hold on. That looks like the castle that the prince was trapped in.

{They even spotted the Toy Prince}

Ash Ketchum: And DJ's with the Toy Prince.

Skipper: You know what? I don't know who the performer will be, but I will save that prince and my dog! Whoa!

{Skipper tripped on something}

Chelsea: Skipper!

Cinderella: Are you okay?

{Soon, they saw what Skipper tripped on}

Pooh: Skipper, do you know what you just trip on.

Skipper: I just tripped on that...winder-upper?

Barbie: {Gasps} Is this the winder-upper that the Mouse King stole? Yes! It is!

Quincy: I cannot believe it!

Livingstone: Perhaps we can save the Toy Prince and DJ after all.

Iggy: {To the viewers} We might need your help.

Skipper: {To the viewers} Will you help save DJ and the prince?

Sunny Starscout: How wonderful!

{Baton twinkles}

Leo: We got a mission! We're going to save the Toy Prince!

Skipper: And DJ too.

Tigger: Let the mission...begin!

{Everyone got inside Rocket}

Stacie: Buckle your seatbelts.

{Everyone buckled their seatbelts}

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Seatbelts buckled!

Austin: Now, we have to give Rocket a lot of power.

Tigger: And we have to do some good ol' patting.

Roo: {To the viewers} Pat to the beat with us. Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat.

{Rocket almost took off}

Roo: Faster! Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat.

{Rocket almost took off}

Lumpy: Now raise your arms as high as you can.

Tasha: And say "Blastoff" after three. 1, 2, 3!

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Blastoff!

{Rocket took off}

Skipper: Let's go!

Shaggy Rogers: Here we all go!

Sunny Starscout: Let's go save a puppy and the Toy Prince!

Chelsea: I thought of a good song to help. {To the viewers} Wind your arms like a key, and sing.

Annie and Chelsea: {Sings} We're going to save the toy prince, yay! We'll wind him up and save the day. We'll wind him up, we'll wind him up. We'll Wind him up, we'll wind him up. And wind him up, and wind him up. We'll wind him up, hooray!

Leo: Good song, you two.

Chelsea: Thanks.

Lumpy: Now, we do know that the baddies trapped DJ in the castle.

Hitch Trailblazer: And it is the same one that the Toy Prince is captured in.

Pooh: Hmm, perhaps, we can ask the toys.

The Wiggles: Ask the toys?

Pooh: Well, maybe the toys can help us out.

{Soon, Rocket was flying by a geyser field and then, Pooh saw a toy}

Pooh: See? There's one right now.

Abby Cadabby: {On speaker} Why, it's a blue ball.

Hitch Trailblazer: From the play.

Izzy Moonbow: Can he really help us?

Jeff We can ask.

Skipper: Excuse me, Benny Ball.

Tyrone: Benny?

Skipper: I read the play and it said that he's named Benny Ball.

Benny Ball: {Sure. Follow me}

Livingstone: Hey, he's following the way.

G'Bubu: Well, we can bounce too.

Iggy: Rocket, use your pogo bouncer.

{Rocket took out his pogo bouncer and bounced with Benny Ball}

Shaggy Rogers: Like, this is fun.

Honey: Hey, bouncing ain't so bad.

Tigger: This is my kind of rocket.

{Just then, they heard some familiar music}

Demon Pooh: Well, why not you stop our new army of friends?

Daphne Blake: Jeepers! That sounds like...

Shaggy Rogers: Mouse King!

Velma Dinkley: Well, she meant to say "Demon Pooh", but-

Scooby Doo: No!

Bert: The Mouse King and his army are working with Demon Pooh and Evil Clara!

{Soon, they spotted them by the other side}

Mouse King: Army, play!

Demon Pooh: And a five, six, seven, eight.

{Demon Pooh conducted the mice playing piccolos}

Evil Clara: Face the wrath of the splash.

{The music made the geysers come up}

Zipp Storm: When every time they play, the geysers spurt out water.

Elmo: Now what can we do?

Skipper: I got an idea, but it may not work.

June: What is your idea?

Skipper: Well, maybe if we pat to the beat of the bouncing.

Tigger: Yes, so?

Skipper: So, if they play, we have to stop patting so the geysers don't spray us.

Applejack: {On speaker} Skipper, that's actually a great idea.

Skipper: Well, it just came to me. {To the viewers} But I am going to need more help from you. Help us pat to the bouncing beat. Ready? Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat. Make sure to stop when the mice play piccolos.

Demon Pooh: Mice, play!

{The mice army played their piccolos and the geysers spurted}

Skipper: Freeze.

{Rocket and Benny Ball stopped just in time}

Shaggy Rogers: Phew. That was close.

Benny Ball: {Yeah, too close}

Demon Pooh: {Groans} Try this one on for size.

Skipper: {To the viewers} Now continue patting. Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat.

Evil Clara: Try this solo.

{The mice army played the piccolos and the geysers spurted again}

Skipper: Freeze.

{Rocket and Benny Ball stopped again}

Mouse King: {No fair! He's going too good!}

Demon Pooh: Okay, one more time.

Skipper: "One more time" is right. {To the viewers} Let's pat one more time. We're almost at the end. Pat, pat, pat, pat.

{The mice played their piccolos one more time and made the geysers come out}

Skipper: Freeze.

{Rocket and Benny Ball stopped again}

Demon Pooh: Aww! At least things can't get any worse.

{As the heroes bounced away, the geysers started spurting on the mice and Evil Clara}

Evil Clara: {Screams} Get me down!

Quincy: Look what happen to The Mouse King, Evil Clara, and soldiers.

Stacie: Seems like they got splashed with defeat.

Demon Pooh: Not funny, you morons!

Shaggy Rogers: Like, we escaped the geysers!

June: Thanks for your help, Benny Ball.

Benny Ball: {Don't mentioned it, good luck}

{As the ball leaves, they heard DJ barking from the distance}

Skipper: Hey, that sounded like DJ.

{They noticed how far they were to the castle}

Leo: Look!

G'Bubu: We're getting close to the castle.

Rabbit: {To the viewers} Can you spot the Toy Prince and DJ?

{The two of them were still locked in the castle}

Sunny Starscout: There they are!

DJ: {Barks worriedly}

Skipper: No worries, buddy!

Honey: We will save you, you two!

Roo: Come on, guys!

Lumpy: We can't make the prince go if we need to pick up the pace.

{Rocket kept flying}

Chelsea: {To the viewers} Wind your arms like the winder-upper and sing with us.

Annie and Chelsea: {Sings} We're going to save the toy prince, yay! We'll wind him up and save the day. We'll wind him up, we'll wind him up. We'll Wind him up, we'll wind him up. And wind him up, and wind him up. We'll wind him up, hooray!

{Soon, they heard another toy}

Velma Dinkley: Jinkies! That sounded like another toy.

{Soon, they spotted a teddybear}

Elmo: Hey, it's a teddybear.

Bert: Like the one from the play.

Ernie: Better change into our snowsuits for this.

{They got off of Rocket and were in their snowsuits}

Skipper: Hello, Teddy Tim.

Teddybear Tim: {Hello, Skipper. Oh, and nice narrating our play}

Skipper: Do you happen to know the way to the castle?

Teddybear Tim: {It's this way. Follow me!}

Barbie: I think he wants us to follow him.

Sunny Starscout: Well, let's go after him.

{They follow Teddybear Tim inside an icy tunnel}

Scooby Doo: This tunnel might lead us to the castle.

Applejack: {On speaker} And for sure enough, we might make it to the castle.

{Soon, they heard the same music from before}

Leo: Uh oh.

Elmo: {To the viewers} Do you know who that sounds like? Yes. It's the Mouse King and his army.

{They see the Mouse King, his army, Demon Pooh, and Evil Clara}

Leo: He's at the other end of the tunnel with his army.

Demon Pooh: Release the snowballs!

{The army pour some snowballs}

Sunny Starscout: Guys, if they keep pouring snowballs, we'll never get out of here.

June: We need a plan, and fast!

Skipper: Well, it's not like we can do a jumping dance.

Teddybear Tim: {You know, that could work}

Roo: Skipper, you did it again. You must really want to do this.

Skipper: It's just that, I'm nothing without DJ.

Lumpy: Well, you can still do this.

Skipper: {To the viewers} Stand up with me and the teddybear. Stand up, stand up. Good. Now, get ready to open and close. Achapé! Open.

{They open their legs}

Skipper: Now, let's close. Achapé! Close.

{They close their legs}

Evil Clara: Man, why are they so good?

Demon Pooh: I got better ideas. Lower all the snowballs!

{The baddies all lowered the snowballs}

Skipper: {To the viewers} Now keep opening and closing while avoiding those snowballs. Achapé! Open. Achapé! Close. Achapé! Open. Achapé! Close. Achapé! Open. Achapé! Close.

{They kept opening and closing in the right time}

Evil Clara: You guys go ahead and I'll give them the biggies!

{Evil Clara makes bigger snowballs}

Twilight Sparkle: {On speaker} Careful, Skipper and Teddy!

Spike: {On speaker} Now here come the biggest snowballs ever!

Skipper: {To the viewers} Get ready to open and close even faster like the snowballs. Achapé! Open. Achapé! Close. Open. Close. Open. Close. Open. Close. Open. Close.

{Soon, they open and close faster until they were no more snowballs}

Evil Clara: What? You made it past the biggies?

Skipper: Yep, think you can stop us now?

Evil Clara: Well, no way I will-

{Evil Clara slips on the ice and tumbles down to the heroes}

Evil Clara: Ow.

Fred Jones: Gang, let's reveal the suspects.

Lumpy: Who are they now?

Fred Jones: Well, it's either Madame Upanova the Ostrich, Hyacinth Hippo, or Roger Rabbit.

June: Well, let's see who Clara really is.

{June pulled the mask and it was revealed to be Roger Rabbit}

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Roger Rabbit?

Roger Rabbit: {Chuckles nervously} I guess it goes to show that a toon can try not to be evil.

Tigger: But, why, Roger?

Pooh: Yeah, you were like our president.

Roger Rabbit: I thought that demon that looks like Pooh was gonna give me a love poem for Jessica.

Rainbow Dash: {On speaker} And did he tricked you?

Roger Rabbit: Please, I thought it was real, but he faked me.

SpongeBob: {On speaker} Note to self. Never ever get tricked.

{Soon, they found their way out of the tunnel}

Roger Rabbit: Well, on the plus side, we're out of the tunnel.

Skipper: {To the viewers} Well, good job on dodging those snowballs.

June: And thank you, Teddybear Tim, for showing us the way.

Teddybear Tim: {No problem}

{The teddybear leaves}

Reenie: I think we must be close to the castle.

Livingstone: {To the viewers} Can you find the castle of The Mouse King?

{The viewers saw the castle too}

Quincy: Yeah! There it is.

DJ: {Barks}

Skipper: I see DJ too!

Annie: Don't worry!

Taffy: We're coming to save you, DJ!

Rookie: You too, prince!

{They heard the Mouse King's music}

June: Uh oh.

Iggy: Cervantes! It sounds like the mice and Demon Pooh are close by.

{They see them marching closer to the castle}

Demon Pooh: Come on, guys. Soon as we destroyed the prince and murder that dog, those heroes will really give up their powers now.

{Skipper was shocked}

Skipper: What did they just say about my puppy?

Shaggy Rogers: Like, worser when when Leo's baton got stolen!

Pooh: Or when I got flown away with Annie's balloons!

Barbie: He's going to try murdering the prince and DJ.

Skipper: Guys, we really need to get on Rocket and use his super fast mode.

Leo: That's right, Skipper.

{Everyone got inside Rocket}

Skipper: Now, let's go...super fast!

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Super fast!

{Rocket takes out his backup booster}

Chelsea: To start with super fast, we have to go with adagio first.

Barbie: Pat the beat on your lap slowly.

{They all patted to the beat slowly}

Lumpy: Moderato.

Rabbit: Now pat the beat on your tummy a little faster.

{They all patted to the beat a little faster}

Iggy: Allegro.

G'Bubu: Now, pat even faster on your shoulders.

{They all patted to the beat even faster}

Skipper: Presto! Now everyone reach your hands up to the sky.

Leo: And shake your whole body!

Roger Rabbit: Whoopee! This is fun!

{Roger Rabbit joined in with everyone else}

Sunny Starscout: We did it!

Uniqua: We're flying super fast!

{Rocket speeds up and flies past the army and Demon Pooh}

Demon Pooh: Mice, we really need to march faster!

{Meanwhile, the heroes manage to make it to the castle}

Annie: Yay, Rocket!

Alphabittle: {On speaker} You made it to the castle in time.

{Soon, they spotted DJ crawling out of a little door next to the big door that wouldn't budge}

Skipper: {Gasps} DJ! {Hugs DJ}

DJ: {Barks and Licks Skipper happily}

Skipper: Oh, DJ, I missed you so much.

Pablo: Wow.

Tyrone: Who would've thought that a little door could help DJ escape.

Pooh: Um, but what about the big door?

{Ash and Roo tried pulling the door, but it wouldn't budge}

Roo: Guys, the door's locked!

Lumpy: What should we do now?

{Soon, Pipp spotted a little dancer}

Pipp Petals: Hey, guys. Look at that. It's a little dancer.

Skipper: Hmm, I wonder what she's saying.

Zipp Storm: I think she's doing a password just by using movements.

{The dancer does a plié, a sauté, and a battement}

Barbie: Hmm, I think I know way in.

Skipper: You do, Barbie?

Barbie: Yes. {To the viewers} And you can help too. Stand up. Now first, we do a plié. Bend your knees with me.

{Barbie and the viewers did a plié}

Barbie: Excellent. Now, let's do a sauté. Jump.

{Barbie and the viewers did a sauté}

Barbie: Good. Lastly, let's do a battement. Lift only one leg up.

{Barbie and the viewers did a battement, and the door opened a crack}

Annie: It's working.

Chelsea: It opened a crack.

Skipper: Well, you're gonna need another joiner.

{Skipper joins in}

Skipper: Now, let's put the moves together.

Barbie: Plié. {They bend their knees}

Skipper: Sauté. {They jumped}

Barbie: Battement. {They lifted one leg up}

{The door was nearly open}

Skipper: The door's almost opening.

Barbie: One more time.

Barbie and Skipper: Plié. {They bend their knees} Sauté. {They jumped} Battement. {They lifted one leg up}

{Soon, the door fully opens itself}

Brock: {On speaker} Guys, the door's opened!

Minnie Mouse: {On speaker} Now you can wind up the Toy Prince.

Donald Duck: {On speaker} But, you better hurry because look who's marching up.

Demon Pooh: You fools will never wake up the prince now!

Quincy: Uh oh. Here come Demon Pooh, The Mouse King and his army.

Uniqua: This way!

{They went inside the castle and saw the still frozen Toy Prince}

Shaggy Rogers: Look!

Elmo: {Gasps} It's the Toy Prince!

Ernie: Skipper, place that winder-upper to his back.

{Skipper places the winder-upper, which starts to wind up the toy}

Quincy: It's working!

Sunny Starscout: Quick, guys!

Pablo: Hurry! The Mouse King and his army are already coming in.

Tasha: {to the viewers} Get ready to wind your arms. Sing, Chelsea and Annie.

Annie and Chelsea: {Sings} We're going to save the toy prince, yay! We'll wind him up and save the day. We'll wind him up, we'll wind him up. We'll Wind him up, we'll wind him up. And wind him up, and wind him up. We'll wind him up, hooray!

{Soon, nothing happened, until}

Skipper: {Sighs} I guess he's not-

{Soon, the Toy Prince moved again and even lifted Skipper up like a ballerina}

Skipper: Whoa! Whoa! Guys, what's going on?

G'Bubu: Your love from how much you love the prince and DJ must've made him free like a bird.

Tigger: Guys, thanks to us, Skipper saved the Toy Prince!

Toy Prince: {Wow! Performer, I knew you can do it}

Skipper: Performer? {Gasps} Wait. Are you saying that, I'm, the performer you needed to find that winds up your winder upper?

Toy Prince: Yes, that's right, and I think you deserve a reward}

{The Toy Prince used his magic and turned Skipper into a ballet costume that the real Clara wore}

June: Wow!

Annie: Skipper, you're a ballerina!

DJ: {Barks}

Bert: Hooray for Skipper and the Toy Prince!

Demon Pooh: Well, well, well.

June: {Gasps} Be careful, Skipper and Toy Prince.

Shaggy Rogers: Like, I think we made one mouse really angry.

Demon Pooh: Mouse King, let your army kill Skipper!

Chelsea, Stacie, and Barbie: {Gasp in shock}

Skipper: Well, you know what? This is what you mice get for almost killing my puppy! Toy Prince, let's spin like we just don't care.

Mouse King: {I like to see you try}

{Skipper and Toy Prince spun around and around like tops and made a tornado to make the mice get trapped in}

Demon Pooh: No! What are you doing?

Livingstone: Hey, they're spinning round the mice!

Leo: They're spinning faster and faster and faster!

{Soon, the mice flew off}

Mouse King and Army: {Screams}

Demon Pooh: My mouse army! Darn!

Skipper: {Gasps} Did we just-

Quincy: I cannot believe it! Skipper and the Toy Prince spun so fast, they blew the Mouse King and his army away!

{The heroes hugged Skipper}

Pablo: Wow! Skipper, you were amazing!

Mrs Roberts: {On speaker} My daughter's really got the power!

Toy Prince: {Well, you guys aren't the only ones to thank Skipper}

{Soon, the toy friends of The Toy Prince came}

June: Look. Here come the toys.

{The toys cheered for Skipper and the Toy Prince}

Quincy: Aww! They're glad that Skipper saved the Toy Prince.

{Some of the toys even hugged her}

Pooh: Now that's what I call a best ending.

Woody: Yep, she's like the new Jessie.

Jessie: {On speaker} Yeehaw! Wow! You really were spinning. That was definitely her finest hour.

Demon Pooh: Ugh! I can't believe you're not giving up.

Uniqua: Well, you better hurry because the toys are gonna stop you.

Demon Pooh: This is not over! I'll get you next time, you Wind-Up Einsteins!

Scooby Doo: You mean, Little Einsteins?

Demon Pooh: {Groans} D'oh, I'll get you next time!

{Demon Pooh left the castle}

Skipper: Mission completion!

{Baton twinkles}

{The curtains close}

Greg: And now, it's time for...

Barbie and Chelsea: The curtain call!

{The Curtain Call song plays}

Leo: Let's give a hand and hear it for the team.

{They clapped}

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: And rah, rah, rah, for Rocket.

Quincy: Come on, take a bow.

Skipper and June: It's your turn now.

Annie and Chelsea: Let's hear a big hand for you.

{Toy Prince and Roger Rabbit waved hello}

Roger Rabbit: This is for you, Jessica!

Leo: Now pat, clap, pat, clap, pat, clap.

June: Let's give a big cheer for the artist of the day.

Leo: Degas!

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Degas!

Pooh: The composer of the wonderful music we played.

Leo: Tchaikovsky!

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Tchaikovsky! Hooray! Yay, Tchaikovsky!

Annie: And here comes the music of the day.

Chelsea: The Nutcracker Suite.

{The Nutcracker Suite}

Uniqua: See you on the next mission.

{In the first silly surprise, Rocket, Ash, and Pikachu were by a ring attached with string}

The Wind-Up Toy Prince Transcript (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.