Southern Illinoisan from Carbondale, Illinois (2024)

IL SOUTHERN ILLINOISAN, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1978 Page Carbondale-Herrin-Murphysboro-Marlorv 215 Yard-Rummage Sales 180 Miscellaneous 100 Bridal Services Gifts 125 Help Wanted 125 Help Wanted 4 NURSE III, MENARD. Starting salary $1175 per month. 1 year experience as RN required. Call Menard Correctional Center 826-2376, extension 170 for interview appointment. Menard is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

SECRETARY. CARBONDALE. Type 50 WPM, shorthand 80 100 WPM. 1 year office experience. Must be neat, reliable mature.

Salary commensurate with expe rience ability. Send resume to P.O. Box 848, Carbondale. AVON, AREA. IT PAYS TO MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY! Sell Avon.

It's fun to sell products people want to buy. The hours are flexible, the earnings excellent. For details call Carlene Kapshandy collect 826-3275 or Joan Marquard collect 549-4622. NURSES AIDES. MURPHYSBORO.

Accepting applications for full part time positions for evening night shift. Qualifications will be based upon previous refer ences andor experience. Apply in person, Jackson County Nursing Home, 1441 N. 14th. MATURE HARD WORKING COUPLE, SOUTHERN ILLINOIS AREA, to manage motel apartments.

Aoe no obstacle. ExDerience helpful but not necessary. Apart ment utilities furnished. Send re sume to P.O. Box 1196.

Carbondale, II. we will call you for interview. installment loan officer Experienced aggressive individ ual to administer a growing loan portfolio. Salary open. Send resume to Box 1417, Mt.


Bachelor's degree in Special Rehab, Education or related field required. 3 years experience in Rehab or Education desirable. Salary $9500 annual. 3 weeks paid vaca tion. Group health life insurance plus other fringe.

Apply in person, Jackson Community Workshop, 20 N. 13th. by July 21. Office hours 8am to Monday thru Friday. An Equal Opportunity-Employer.

Farm Equipment Parts Manager Southern Illinois Area. Top salary tor fully qualitifed person. Send re sume to Box 9 co Southern II linolsan. P.O. Box 369, Murphys boro, IL.

NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECH NICIAN. CARBONDALE. Certified or qualified in nuclear medicine. Immediate full time day position available in our 130 bed general hospital with an expanding and pro gressive nuclear medicine dept. Starting salary commensurate with experience and ability.

Excellent fringe benefit package included. Send resume and salary requirement In complete confidence to or contact Personnel Dept. Memorial Hospital, 404 W. Main 62901. Phone 549 0721 ext.

280. Equal Op portunity Employer. Warehouse Manager Now hiring Warehouse Manager for local business serving Southern Il linois area. Experience in managing warehousem*n truck drivers beneficial. Must be familiar with fork lifts trucks.

Excellent ben efits. including Hospital Insurance Plan. Profit Sharing. Paid Vaca tion. Starting salary negotiable.

All replies confidential. Send resume to Box 89 Southern lilinoisan. Carbondale. MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR. CARBONDALE.

To provide indi vidual and group assertiveness counseling primarily for adults. Duties also include community edu cation consultation and part of progressive community mental health center located in scenic Southern Illinois. Major university located in community. Qualifications, Master Degree in Behavioral Sciences, plus counseling experience. Salary $11,300 to $12,700.

Excellent fringe benefits. Equal Opportunity Employer. Send resume to JCCMHC, P.O. Box 1120. Carbondale, II.

Ap plications being accepted to August 14. 1978. Tellers Bookkeepers Williamson County Bank now hiring tellers and bookkeepers. Experience required. It you like to help people and be a part of a growing bank, send your resume to Box C- 91, co Southern lilinoisan.

Carbon dale, II. 62901. Equal Opportunity Employer. SEARS NEEDS PART TIME BICYCLE REPAIRER Experience Required Apply Personnel Office Sears Roebuck Co. University Mall Carbondale Sears Is An Equal Opportunity Employer Clerical Position Part-Time 8 a.m.-l p.m.

Must Be Good Typist Call for Appointment 549 5391 or 997 3356 Southern lilinoisan 710 N. Illinois. Carbondale Equal Opportunity Employer Little Egypt Private Employment Agency MACHINISTS, WELDERS, $5.29 hr. (tee paid) MARKETING (West Coast) bicycle parts exp. $16 $23,000 (move tee paid) SECRETARY (2) typing.

shorthand. PURCHASING AGENT, degree 3 5 yrs. exp. $16 $19,000 (fee paid) RESIDENT ENGINEER, Tech grad, complete responsibility tor proauction and engineering functions (electronics) $16 $19,000 (fee paid) MECHANICALCIVIL ENGI NEER, construction exp $14 $16,000 (tee paid) COST ANALYST, degree accounting EEO (fee nego) INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER (3) $12- $16,000 (fee paid) PROCESS ENGINEER. HVAC $16,000 (fee paid) BUYER, degree (auto accessories) $13 $15,000 (move tee paid) INDUSTRIAL SALES, $13,000 car bonus (move fee paid) Ample supply of fobs available in Southern Illinois if you are qual itied.

Send resume immediately or apply in person. Companies call on Little Egypt because we have qualified people to send. 148 Plaza Offoce. P.O. Box 265 HERRIN 942-6691 220 Food and Entertainment LATE SEED POTATOES.

MUR-PHYSORO. Tomato plants, fruit, vegetables, ripe tomatoes. NEW HILL, 127 S. 225 Building Materials HARPERS DISCOUNT 6. HOME IMPROVEMENT, BENTON.

IS miles E. on Rt. 14. 643 3972. STORAGE BUILDINGS, PORTABLE, all sizes colors.

PORTA-HOMES Blairsville. 987 2655. ANDERSON OVERHEAD DOOR, CHRISTOPHER. 9X7 $193 16X7 $310 fiberglass installed 724 7421. RIDING ELECTRIC LAWN MOW ER.

CARBONDALE. John Deere. 36" cut, twin blade. $300. Call 457 7220.

CABINETS Custom Kitchen Bath Displays WRIGHT BUILDING CENTER i Mile E. of Murphysboro New 13 CABINETS. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS. Warehouse Sale. As low as $406.80 for 12' 8t Counter Top.

Display 131 S. Division, Cartervilie. For free estimates phone 985 6830 BIRKHOL2 SUPPLY. ABOVE ALL A GOOD ROOF ALUMINUM VINYL SIDING BACCUS ROOFING SIDING CALL HERRIN 942-4052 CARBONDALE 457-4211 BUILDING MATERIALS 2x4x8 $1.10 ea. 4x8 MASON I TE $3.50 sh.

$7.99 ea. IV PLYWOOD ROOFING SHINGLES $12.50 sq. 4" PLASTIC SEWER PIPE $2.79 The Hunter Boys HWY. 51 NORTH CARBONDALE EXTERIOR 1J4" or Pb" Solid Core Doors BIRCH OR LAUAN Regular $43 to $55 Our Price $15 to $25 32" or 36" WIDE BY 80" or 84" HIGH ALSO. 40" 42" IN STOCK RAILROAD SALVAGE BUILDING SUPPLIES HERRIN 105 S.

16m MARION 102 N. COURT 230 Home Furnishings SERTA INTRODUCTORY SPE CIAL Stop by KINKAID FURNI TURE, 9 N. 14, MURPHYSBORO. MURPHYSBORO. 7 piece dinette set.

$35. Twin canopy bed, $75. Both in excellent condition. 687 3697. SAVE AT PAUL'S HERRIN OLDER REFRIGERATOR.

MUR PHYSBORO. $45. 40 in. electric range. $45.

Bunkbeds. $65. Call 687 3279. CARBONDALE. Broyhill Early American couch, chair 2 end ta bles.

Excellent condition, $375. 549 8063 after 5 p.m. WANTED TO BUY: Used furniture 8. appliances SALVAGE DISCOUNT Rt. 51 Du Quoin.

542 4097. CUSTOM DRAPES MADE FREE. Pay only for material used. Choose from our large selection of fabrics. Many patterns colors.

Shop at P.N. HIRSCH CO. KATHLEEN'S DRAPERIES ON WHEELS! CARBONDALE. Drap eries, sheers, top treatments. Bed spreads, woven wood blinds and window shades.

Call 457 5526. HERRIN. Solid mahogany. Duncan Phyfe dining table with 3 leaves. Perfect finish.

Also includes 5 chairs. $75. Phone 942 4438 after 5 pm. Bed, with box springs mattress. and dresser; oak breakfast set with chairs; buffet and table with 4 chairs and 1 captains chair; upnoi stered chair; Maytag wringer washer, like new; two double tubs; metal utility cabinet with porcelain top.

See at 544 Murphy. Murphys boro. after 11 a.m. NEW SHIPMENT Beautiful Flexsteel Chairs Sofas Plus Custom Drapes. Carpet Grandfather clocks (Special Price) DeGasperi's Mile N.

of Grandpa John's on Rt. 127 N. Mile West 687 2814. PORCH SWINGS. MURPHYS BORO.

Hardwood with chains 8. roof hooks, 4 $19.95. Full size- baby cribs, drop side, teething rails, spring 8. mattress, $59.95. Maytag washers, dryers dishwashers are the best Make sure you own the best.

Maytag costs less the long1 run. Hoover Dial A Mat cleaners $89.99. Living room suit Stratford reclmers at 33' 3o discount. Firm full size spring mattress sets regular $139.90, on sale $109.95. GILLENBERG FUR NITURE, Large selection, low prices.

901 Walnut. Phone 684 6031. SALE Chairs Sofas SAVINGS SPECIAL GROUP $100 to $500 HELLENY'S HERRIN STORE ONLY FREE DELIVERY N. 14th HERRIN 942 2161 Used Appliances Washers Refrigerators $75 Up Stoves $75 Up ALSO A GOOD SELECTION OF USED FURNITURE Heckel's Inc. OPEN FRI.

NIGHT TILL 7Dm CLOSED SAT. NOON CARTERVILLE 985-2411 165 Farm Miscellaneous POLE BUILDINGS El KVILLE. Strong panel steel. All colors sizes.Also Portable buildings from 6x6 up. Call LEWIS CONSTRUC TION, 568 1707.

SEED, HERRIN. Feeds. Purina Chow. Grinding Mixing. HARPER Feed Mills, "Your Check erboard Store." Also Fertilizer.

1200 N. Park Ave. 942 3956. CUSTOM WORK, AREA. All Types Chisel Plowing; Discing; No Til Planting; Dozer Work; Fence Rows; Water-ways.

Ponds, Hay mowing 8 round bales or stacks. 457 5170 or 457 5490. BUILDINGS. MT. VERNON.

For the strongest, most economical pole buildings, call STURDI BUILT (618) 242 6152 or write. R. 4, Mt. Vernon, 67864, even (nags Bill Dagg (618 732 8580. BUCHHEIT BUILDINGS For All Farm Commercial Build ings.

Write or call BUCHHEIT BUILDINGS. R. R. 7. Perryville, Mo.

Phone 314 547-6627 or Salesman, Vernon Urfelman. Chester, III. Phone 618 826 3249. GRAIN BINS JONES FARM HOME STORE, RIDGWAY. Extra 10S off on all Drying Bin Packages these are 1977 prices all grain bins equipment ASC approved Special 30 ft.

7 ring 11,000 bu. drying bin package Reg. $6399.95 Sale Price $5759.95. Open Sun. 1 FARM EQUIPMENT NEW COMBINES, 6600'S.

7700 Turbo USED COMBINES, 3300'S (690 hours). 55'S. 95's. 45s. NEW TRACTORS.

4440'S, 4240. 950 New Used Hay Equipment. SPECIAL LITTLE RED WAGON GRAVITY WAGONS. 10 ton running gears. 10.00 15 flota tion tires, 225 bushel capacity less I extensions.

$1550 plus tax. LUTHY IMPLEMENT, Steeleville. IL 965 3923. 170 Livestock and Horses APPALOOSA. MARES COLTS.

MURPHYSBORO. Call 687 2508. HORSE TRAILER. BENTON. 1972 King 4 horse bumper type trailer.

4 wheel brakes. 439720. MORGAN. CARBONDALE. Bay Gelding, 3 years old.

Excellent training. Call 549 4419. 2 PONIES. MURPHYSBORO. Kid broke.

$100 each. Phone 687 2074. after 4pm. WESTERN Simco. $100.

SADDLE. CAMBRIA. Phone 985 3125 or 985 6641. HORSE TRAILERS, Murphysboro. Sales 8.

Rental! After 1 pm. Jack Collins. Old Rt. 13 East. 684 3890.

HARMONY HILL FARM. CAR-BONDALE. Riding lessons, horses trained sold boarded 549 7705. HORSE PASTURE FOR RENT, DEVILS KITCHEN AREA. Near Woodland Ridipg Trail.

$25month. 995 9015. HORSES BOARDED. CARBON DALE. Clean box stalls, pasture.

Turnouts. Tack room heated, air conditioned, hot water. Good feed and care for contented horses. 549- 7095. 2 HORSE DELUXE TRAILER.

ENFIELD. 1977, Red White. 5 ft. dressing room, full padding, fully enclosed. Thoroughbred height.

Surge Brakes. Like new condition. 618 963 2845. 175 Supplies and Equipment 6 FOOT CYCLE BAR 3 POINT HITCH. Carbondale.

964 1635. FARMALL C. JACOB. With new 6 ft. rotary belly mound mower.

New paint. Call 763 4481. after 6 p.m. DEARBORN FRONT END LOADER, JONESBORO. For Ford tractor, $250.

833 8429 or 833 6366. INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR, CARBONDALE. MD 51 with front end loader. Call 457 8733 after 4:30 p.m. SICKLE MOWER.

JONESBORO. For Ford tractor $150. Post drill press $30. Bench grinder $20. 833 8429.

833 6366. FOR SALE, MASCOU 1 AH, ILL. 16 new used Gleaner combines. All models new used Gleaner corn heads. New Holland TR 70 com bines.

HEBERER EQUIPMENT CO. Phone (618 566 2166. 180 Miscellaneous FILL DIRT. CAMBRIA. Call 985 2606 or 549 2494.



867 2660. COMPLETE SET OF TOOLMA KER TOOLS, ROYALTON. Boxes. Risers, and Cabinet. 984 2360.

WANTED MARION. Toys, furni ture. appliances, anything to help mission. 511 N. Market 997 4736.

PATIO AWNING. HERRIN. 10x17. aluminum, like new, $250. Call 942- 2716 or 942 3924.

HERRIN. Hi Lo police scanner. 10 channel. $100. Cuckoo clock, $25.

D104 power mike. $50. 942 4787. DE SOTO. Sears 18" color TV.

$185; 11 piece golf clubs, never used, $75. Call 867 2400. AIR CONDITIONER. MARION. Sears Best, 1976, 12,000 BTU.


With all the extras. $195. Phone 496 3577. COMPLETE BEAUTY SHOP EQUIPMENT. MURPHYSBORO.

$800. Call after 4pm 684 6140. GOLF CART, CAR TERVILLE. Gas powered, excellent condition. 985-2833.

BEE HIVES. CARBONDALE. 2 with large colonyof bees. Call 529 0721. extension 292 between 8 5.

PICNIC TABLES. MURPHYS BORO. All 2" yellow pine material. 7 It. 2 at $45 each.

687 1278. WEDDING RING SET, MUR PHYSBORO. Appraised value $450. Asking $225. Phone 687 3571.

PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT. MURPHYSBORO. Durst 600 En larger Like new. with lens. $100.

Call 68 7 4061 after 5 pm. COLLECTORS CAMERA COLLEC TION. TAMAROA. Includes (2) Po laroid Land Cameras and call for list. $130.


(2) Remington L60 15 tires. $40 for pair. Call 529 2465. BABY BED COMPLETE. MUR PHYSBORO.

Pumpkin seat, complete layout of baby clothes and diapers, baby bath tub. Call 684 6835. WATCH SALE, BENTON WEST FRANKFORT. Biggest Sale Ever! 10 to 50 selected watches: Some below wholesale. WIGGS JEWELRY.

RIDE WANTED. MURPHYS BORO. To from John A. Logan College, full day, fail spring se mesters. Will help with transportation COSt.

684 6065. Vienna. Large dining room suite. all dark wood with 6 chairs buf fet. Singer Slant Matic sewing machine, wood cabinet.

Call 658-8051 or 658 8072. after 4pm. TYPEWRITERS. MURPHYS BORO. IBM Siectrics.

Smith Co rona electrics, 8. FACIT single element correcting typewriters. On sale at PORTER OFFICE SUP- PLY. 222 N. 11th St.

ROWELL HOME OPTICAL, RT. 148 S. of ENERGY. Photo Chromic Prescription glasses Darken out side, lighten inside. JULY SPECIAL, save $5 with this ad.

942 3484, hours Mon. BE COOL! AREA. Enjoy a new Polynesian swimming pool right away; Free Estimates; installation included; four years experience; Fast service throughout Southern Illinois; Jerry Wiggs Excavating. Phone 439 3571, Benton. AIR CONDITIONING, EQUIP MENT.

CARBONDALE. Sales, Service Installation. New and Used Window Central Units, Gas Oil Furances. OWEN BROS. 209 West Willow, Carbondale.

Phone 4572939. N. W. 3 90 Motorcycles Bicycles and MOTORCYCLE WINDSHIELD FAIRING, HERRIN. $55.

Call Frank. 942 6094. HONDA 250 MINI BIKE. WEST FRANKFORT. 1977.

like new. $300. Call 932 5004. FOR SALE: BLUE 77 YAMAHA RD 400. 3500 $750.

Phone 687 3916, 3 11. SUZUKI R.M.250, 1977; like new, raced once. $900. Phone 684 4454 after 6 p.m. HONDA 750.

MARION. 1976. Excel-lent condition. 13,000 miles. Call 9936074.

CB360 HONDA, HERRIN. 1974. In perfect shape. Runs real good. $600.

Cad 942 4318. YAMAHA 350. A RTERVILLE. 1974, low miles, excellent condition. Extras.

985-6291. HONDA 300cc. MARION. Electric start. Also 10-speed bicycle, both In good shape.

982 2657. SUZUKI RM125. MURPHYSBORO. 1976, Great shape, fast. Moving.

$550. or best offer. Call 687 2639. 750 HONDA, DU OUOIN. 1972 Chopper.

$900. See at 209 W. Franklin St. KAWASAKI 900. PINCKNEY-VILLE.

1976. 1300 miles. Excellent conditton. $1700. Cal 357 2734.

HONDA 750. JOHNSTON CITY. For Sale or Trade. 1970, Also 1976 Ford i Ton. Loaded.

Call 983 5850. KAWASAKI, MURPHYSBORO. 1977, KE 175CC. only 250 miles. Call -687 3907.

YAMAHA 650. COULTE VILLE. 1976, 4500 miles, excellent condition, extras. 758 2143. HONDA, CARBONDALE.

1972 CB125 motorcycle. Excellent condi-tion. $250. 549 4481. HARLEY DAVIDSON, CARBON DALE.

1972 350cc. dirt bike. $300 or best offer. 549 4481. HONDA XL250.

CARBONDALE. 1973. 3,600 miles, very, good condition. $350 or best offer. Phone 549 4354.

HONDA 350XL! CARBONDALE. 1975. 3,000 miles, purchased new Nov. 1976. Excellent condition.

$550 or best offer. 457 5974 after 5 p.m. YAMAHA 350CC MARION. 6 speed transmission, new tires. A good bike.

$450. ABSHER MOTORS, 993 2674. KAWASAKI, MURPHYSBORO. 1971, 125 cc, dirt bike, completely restored. $350 or best offer.

687-2508. LOW RIDER. CAPE GT RARDEAU. 1978, (3) just arrived. MINOR'S HARLEY DAVIDSON.

314 334 7716. ELECTRA GLIDE. CAPE Gl RARDEAU. 1976, this week only, $2,699. MINOR'S HARLEY DAVID SON, 314 334 7716.

HARLEY DAVIDSON XLCH, MARION. 1975, excellent condition, low mileage. Call after 4:30 p.m.. 997 3091. HONDA CL450.

MURPHYSBORO. $550, Honda CT90, $250. Both completely rebuilt and in excellent shape. Ready to ride. 549 1386, after 5.

SPORTSTER, ULLIN. 1973. new paint, battery, chain. Leather seat. Extra seat rear tende.

6" tubes breather. $2,000 firm. Call 618 845 3833. $450 CASH DISCOUNT THRU JULY MINOR'S HARLEY DA VIDSON. CAPE GIRARDEAU on 1978 Super Glide or 1979 Sportster.

314 334 7716. KINKAID KAWASAKI. MURPHYSBORO. Full parts service department. Cylinder Open 9am 5:30 9 to 4.

1510 Walnut, phone 687 2324. Herrin Suzuki Summer Sale 817 S. Park. HERRIN 988 1020 Suzuki of Carbondale To Service You With Full Sales. Parts Service USED BIKES 1977 Suzuki TS125 197? HONDA CB500 1975 Honda CB550F Mon.

thru 9 a.m. 6 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. -5 p.m.

Hwy. 13 E. at Sweets Corner Carbondale 529 2333 SOUTHERN IL HONDA MARINE Windjammer SS Fairings $349.95 SALE $249 95 Reg June Special GL1000 CB750K Lowest Prices Ever 1974 CB550K, $1,100. excellent condition. Hwy.13 E.

Carbondale 549 7397 Du Quoin Mile Race Tickets We have $10 Reserved Seat tickets on sale for the DuQuom Mile Race on July 30. Get yours- today tor good seats. While here look over the full line of 1978 YAMAHA bikes for street, trail or race! Speede Service Yamaha CARBONDALE 457 5421 or 549 6144 Open 9 till 6 Tues. thru Sat. Campbell's Harley Davidson Your Choice SS250, SX250, MX Motocrosser S995 9am Open Thur.

till 909 N. Court Marlon 95 Industrial Equipment TRACTOR TRAILER. JOHNSTON CITY. 1975 cab over Peterbilt, 30 ft. -craneless trailer, new major on engine.


2 (New Rt. 13) Cartervilie Case Tractors PARTS SERVICE SALES RENTALS Good Used Equipment MIDWAY EQUIP. INC. R.R. 2 (New Rt.

13) Cartervilie 100 Bridal Services Gifts WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY. AREA. Reasonable rates. Call 684-4803. for appointment ATTENTION BRIDES: Bridal ta bies available at LE QUATTE DRUG, Cartervilie.

985 4895. 5 for 993 125 Help Wanted Clerical Position Advertising Layout CARBONDALE OFFICE 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Excellent Fringe Benefits Permanent Area Resident Must be Excellent Typist Ad Layout Experience Helpful Must be Creative Call for Appointment 549-5391 or 997-3356 SOUTHERN ILLINOISAN 710 N. Illinois, Carbondale Equal Opportunity Employer 130 Help wanted-Sales WANTED ASSISTANT MANAGER, CARBONDALE. For Womans Clothing Store.

Experience pre ferred but will train. Apply in per son to Stuarts, University Mall. Licensed Real Estate Sales Person EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. Highest commissions paid. For in terview see Howard Lambert at LAMBERT REALTY.

701 South II linois Ave. Carbondale. JCPenney Co. IS SEEKING EXPERIENCED Shoe Sales Person For New Full Service Shoe Dept. APPLY IN PERSON Mon.

thru Fri. Personnel Dept. JCPenney Co. I University Mall Carbondale An Equal Opportunity Employer 135 Work Wanted LIGHT HAULING. AREA.

Basem*nt garage cleaning. 985 4161. SEWING DONE IN DE SOTO. Pattern 867 2562. MY HOME, Sewing.


Quality work. Rea nable price. Free Estimates. 993 06. CARPET INSTALLATION, AREA.

Experienced, work guaranteed. Low rates. Anytime 687 3V06. HOME REPAIRS. CARBONDALE.

Repair your home or rental proper ty. I can do carpentry work, paint. wallpaper, etc. Call 549 6192. CARPENTY WORK, AREA.

For-mer union apprentice, fully equip ped knowledgeable in all small jobs. Gary 687 4061. PAINTING, CARBONDALE 7 MURPHYSBORO. Interior, exte rior. Experienced, references.

Af ter 1 p.m.. 549 5161. EXPERIENCED MIDDLE AGED COUPLE, wants to manage tavern with kitchen for food service. Have special cooking abilities, will work on percentage basis. Call 984 4465.

140 Schools and Instruction PIANO VO I E.CARBON DALE. Alice Eddins Studio of Music. Lesson appointment 549 7778. US Business Opportunities GROCERY STORE LIVING QUARTERS, CHRISTOPHER. On corner lot.

724 4211. FOR LEASE. AREA. Texaco Serv ice Station, Call days 993 8118. eve nings.

997 2580. CAFETERIA IN LOCAL FACTO RY. AREA. Doing good business. Call 942 6795 after 2:30 p.m.

TAVERN EXTRA LOT. KIN KAID LAKE AREA. Can have living quarters upstairs, priced to sell. 426 3616. CHEVY, EWING.

1970 ton Lunch truck, double oven, all stainless steel. $2600 or best offer. 629 2195 or 629 2259. VEACH SERVICE STATION. CAR BONDALE.

For lease. 301 E. Main. 2 bay station with automatic, brush type car wash. Has good going business.

Phone Veach Oil 658 2581. Vienna. TAVERN BUSINESS, Murphys boro; Manager or partner, or will rent or lease. High volumne, low in vestment. Owner moving.

Only in terested parties, please. Contact owner for appointment. 217 49 9568. ELLES HERRIN SUPPLYCO. IS offering the following departments tor lease: cosmetics, jewelry, chil dren's, boutique shops, small appli ances, photography.

Phone 942 578 or 942 3273 after 6 p.m. or inquire at Herrin Supply 102 N. Park Ave. SOUND INVESTMENT OPPORTU NITY, Buy this mobile home park. complete with 12 furnished mobile homes, a laundry and room for more.

Annual income $25,000. Ask ing $76,500. Owner will consider partial financing. Call 549 1788 and leave message or record if no one home. 165 Farm Miscellaneous STRAW.

THOMPSON VILLE. 627 2649 or 627 2589. Call JOHNSTON CITY. Farmail 460 with plows. 983 8692.

HAY BALER. HERRIN. John Deere 24 asking $700. Call 988 1013. TRAILER, WEST FRANKFORT.

Goose neck trailer, 3 axle flat bed. 932 6160. POLE BARNS REMODELING, MARION. TWIN CONSTRUCTION. 983 8526 Days or Evenings.

HEAVY HENS. COBDEN. Farrow ing crates. Large hog feeders. 893 2437.

FARM STORAGE BINS, MARION, We now handle a full line of farm storage bins. Financing ataiiabie. GRAIN CO. 993 6031, 997 6316. HAY.

AREA. Alfalfa, alfalfa 8t Or-chard grass, 2nd cutting, fop quality, conditioned, delivered. 684 4681 after 6pm. WILLIAMS CERTIFIED SOY BEAN SEED. MARION.

30 bushel, $8.50 per bushel. 997 1172 or 993 3333. DIESEL SERVICE, DE SOTO. Rebuild Repair Pumps Injectors. SHELTON'S DIESEL SERVICE-867 2028.

INTERNATIONAL (CUB) TRAC-TOR. JOHNSTON CITY. Good condition, new fires with plow, disc, 1-row cultivator sickle mower. No hydraulic. Call 983 6497 or 983 8585.

CLASS MACHINIST. HER RIN. Must have tools and expe rience. Call 942 2814 between 7:30 and 4 p.m. LADY.

CARBONDALE. Someone to share home with mature lady. Free room board, some pay. 457- 6350 or 457 7210. ROUTE SALESMAN.

CARBON DALE. Established route. Expe rience not necessary but helpful. Call 800 252 1630. for appointment.

ESL TEACHER. COBDEN AREA. Part time, bilinqual, Spanishnglish preferred. Call Illinois Migrant Council 457-6727. Classified Ads provide results that are unmatched by any other method! PART-TIME RN'S.

WEST FRANKFORT. To work 2 days per week in a 96 bed Skilled Nursing Facility. Apply, American Beauty Nursing Home. 932 2109. DISHWASHER.

COUNTER BAK ERY HELP. CARBONDALE. Part- time full time. Apply mornings. Cirstaudo's Bakery, Murdale Shop ping Center.

RESTAURANT WORKERS. CAR BONDALE. Full time days. Must be able to work weekends. Apply in person after 2 p.m.

Red Barn Res taurant. mart Shopping Plaza. DENTAL HYGIENISTS. N. ILLINOIS.

Excellent opportunity In a well established office. 4Va-days per week, excellent pay. Call 815-625- 2532 days or 626 5718 evenings. PART-TIME SECRETARY FOR DOCTOR'S OFFICE. CARBON DALE.

With possibility of becom ing a full time position. Respond Box 577, Carbondale, II. 62901. FRONT MAN, CARBON DALE. Experienced.

Salary 8t com mission. Good fringe benefits. Ap ply in person. JAKE'S TIRE CO. 314 E.

Main. 457 4125. LPNS OR RNS. CARBONDALE. Immediate openings.

LPN's, $4,00 plus differential, RNS $500 plus dif ferential. 11 to 7 shift. Apply NEW HAVEN CENTER between 9 and 4. DELIVERY PERSON. CARBON DALE.

Must have own car and be at least 19. Apply in person after 5 p.m. at Ouatros Pizza. Campus Shopping Center. FULL TIME POSITION, HERRIN.

Person to deliver, stock merchan dise, unload truck. Must be able to drive. Write Box 62, Southern llllnoisan, Herrin. LPN. MARION.

Preferably with experience in minor surgical pro cedures needed to work at doctor's office. Apply with CV to Box MN 62 co Southern lllinofsan. Marion. MOBILE HOME SERVICE MAN. tAKBUNDALt.

Experienced in electrical, furnace, plumbing, re frigeration light carpentry pre ferred. Apply In person Carbondale Mobile Homes. Hwy. 51 N. SECRETARY, MURPHYSBORO.

Send resume including experience. qualifications salary require ments to Box 10, co Southern II- linoisan. P.O. Box 369 Murphysboro. APPRENTICE CHEFFIRST COOK.

CARBONDALE. Salary negotiable, minimum experience required. 1 year volume production and supervisory experience. Call 453 5331. POSITION.

AREA. For person who wants opportunity, training and fantastic with expanding busi ness. By appointment only. 546 5621 between 9 a.m. -12 p.m.

Equal Op portunity Employer. PART TIME, CARBONDALE AREA. Dependable energetic persons needed tor work with com merlcal cleaning service. Must have transportation, phone refer ences. 549 8126.

WANTED. AREA. Ladies. 18 years older, to teach hobby class with Tri Chem Liquid Embroidery. Earn extra money.

No experience or investment required. Equal Opportu nity. Call 568 1525. HELP WANTED, AREA. The wom en in our business make as much money as the men.

If you're look ing for equal opportunity write P.O. Box 88, Marion. 62959. An Equal Opportunity Employer. LPN OR EMT, MENARO- Starting salary $926 per month.

All shifts open. Call Menard Correctional Center 826 2376, extension 170 for Interview appointment. Menard is an Equal Opportunity Employer. AUTOMOTIVE BILLER. CAR BON DALE.

Experienced preferred but not necessary, must be good typist, light bookkeeping, some cashiering. Contact Carol in person at IKE BUICK OPEL, INC. JOURNEYMAN MACHINIST. DU OUOIN. Must be able to do all types of machining, all types of set ups.

Full time employment. Apply within Blue Line Industries, 11 West Du Quoin. RN'S LPN'S. MURPHYSBORO. For day.

evening night shift, full part time. Wages: RNs. $5.30 per hour; LPN's. $3.97 per hour. Apply in person at JACKSON COUNTY NURSING HOME.

1441 N. Ufh or call 684 2136. LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE, JONESBORO. IL. for Home Health Agency.

Experience in home nurs ing or public health nursing pre ferred. Contact Jodi Cradduck. Tri- County Home Health Service, 658 2191. IT PAYS TO MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY! HERRIN AREA. Sell Avon.

It's fun to sell products people want to buy. The hours are flexible; the earnings, excellent. For details, call 942 6974 or collect 279 7738. SERVICE ENGINEER OF MAINTENANCE DEPT. WANTED AT ANNA JONESBORO COMMU NITY HIGH SCHOOL.

Salary Range $15,000 $20,000 per year based on experience. Applications are being accepted at Superintend ent's Office, 608 S. Main Street. Anna, II 62906. LEGAL SECRETARY.

CARBON dale. Legal services agency seeks person with good typing and dictation skills to commence full time employment in late August. Send resume, in confidence, to Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance. 205 W. Main, Carbondale, II.

Equal Opportunity Employer. FRIENDLY HOME TOY PARTIES now in our 23rd year is expanding and has openings for Managers and Dealers. Party Plan experience helpful. Guaranteed toys gifts. No cash investment No Service Charge to customers No collec tingdeiiveringcar.

Phone neces sary. Call Collect Carol Day. 5)8 439 8395. WANTED. AREA.

Well known, civ ic minded person possessing out standing leadership abilities is who we are looking tor to coordinate volunteers in an August door to door campaign in the Carbondale area for a national health organiza tion. Work from your home. Reply immediately to Box 77 co the Southern lilinoisan, Carbondale. GENERAL HELP PART-TIME CAFETERIA POSITION. CAR BONDALE.

Community High School District 165 is accepting ap plications at East Campus, Carbon-aaie. Parties interested should sub- mit applications to the Superintendent's Office, 300 N. Springer St. We are an equal op portunity employer. Rural Creative Outreach Proiect has four positions open immedi ately; media specialist, evaluater, Developmental specialist, and out reach worker.

All applicants must be CETA eligible. For further information please contact Jackson County CETA Office. 207 S. lorn. Murphysboro.

Equal Opportunity Employer. STAFF ACCOUNTANT. CARBON DALE. Responsible tor budget cor-dinafion, third party cost reporting. pension accounting special projects.

Person with accounting degree and 1-3 years experience desirable. Excellent salary fringe benefits. Please send resume to: Jerry A. Hickam, CPA, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Southern II. Hospital Services.


Full time position with Division of Renewal Housing Housing Rehabilitation program. Duties inciuae inspection of structures, contract preparation, review of rehab work. Knowledge of construction principles, practices, materials and estimating experience required. Annual salary $12,661. Contact Personnel Office, 609 E.

College Equal Opportunity Employer. PINCKNE YVILLE, COMPLETE BRIDAL TUXEDO Shopping. Everything for the Bride Groom. RODELL'S East Side Square. 105 Business Services GUN BLUEING, MARION.

Call 997-4997. after 6 p.m. GENERAL HOME REPAIR, MURPHYSBORO. Phone 684-6338. PIANO TUNING REPAIR, CAM-BRIA.

Rev. Ray G. Yonts. Professional work guaranteed. 985-3370.

ACE REFRIGERATION AIR-CONDITIONING Service, Area. Experienced Serviceman 983-5667. SEPTIC TANK CLEANING, AREA. Health approved. Joe Grammer, Murphysboro.

684-4175. HAULING SERVICE. AREA. No lob too small. 34 ton pickup.

Call 4577969. PROFESSIONAL TRIMMING. AREA. Trees, shrubs, other landscaping. 457 5437 after 6 p.m.

FLOOR SANDING REFINISH-ING. AREA. New old. any size, anywhere. NU FLOOR 268 4916.

SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION, BACK HOE SERVICE. AREA. 985-6137 or 985 6076. ALARMS, HERRIN. Save 30 on Burglary, robbery, etc.

alarms for business homes. 942 3083. LAWN GRADING. LAND-SCAPING. MOWING.

AREA. Gene Gurley. 457 5413. AAA ROOFING SIDING COM-PANY. Box 47.

Valier, Illinois. 724 9329. FURNITURE STRIPPING, MA-KANDA. Safe cold flow-over system. Call for estimates 549 7530.

PRESCRIPTION DRUGS, Energy. Near WHOLESALE PRICES (Price inquiries invited). Phil Gil bert, Pharmacist. Rf. 148.

942 4631. STEAM CLEANING, On the spot, restaurants, machinery, crams, bulldozers, any thing, any time. any place. 1 618 439 3795. EXPERT EDITING SERVICES.

AREA. Dissertations, master's thesis, term papers. Call after 5 p.m. 549 7481. TREE SERVICE.

AREA. Profes-sional tree care. Stump remover, tree spade. Free Estimates. Insured.

CMW Tree Service. 987 2006. WATER HAULED. DE SOTO AREA. 1600 gal.

stainless steel tank. lOmiie radius De Soto. 867- 2469. CONCRETE AREA. Patios (choice of hard troweled or exposed red rock finish) Steps, basem*nts, sidewalks, tuck pointing, etc.

995 9424. COMPLETE HOME REMOD ELING. AREA. Guaranteed quality work. Call William Run ion, evenings, 549 1991.

CARPET CLEANING AREA. Steam or dry method, also upholstery, free estimates. Call 932 3391 or 937 1859. CONSTRUCTION CO. AREA.

New home construction a specialty. Also shells, garage room additions, any carpentry work. 942 2401. It you can't "Bear" the cost of cooling your home call JOHNSON INSULATION SIDING, we'll take the bite out of high utility bills. 995 2180, 997 4531.

99S 90V8. ROOFING. AREA. Backed by years of experience. 10 year guarantee.

Free guaranteed estimates. Roofing after 5 p.m. 985 3167. NEW SIDING. ALUMINUM OR VI-NYL SOFFET.

AREA. Let us cover the exterior of your home. Free estimates references. 763-4717. HIGHLAND SAFE LOCK, CARBONDALE.

We include shipping installation plus lifetime service on ail new Mosler Star safes purchased from us. Phone 529 1071. SEWING MACHINES, CHRISTO PHER. Sewing Center. We service all makes.

Sinaer Sales Service. Notions Fabric Yarn. 210 N. Victor. 724 7531.

In Herrin. 942 6589. HOME CONSTRUCTION; Remodeling. Painting, Wallaper. Carpentry, Landscaping Patio Construction.

Reasonable. Guaranteed. Free Estimates, 24 Hrs. call 893 2502. GENERAL SERVICE Excavating ponds basem*nts septic systems dirt hauling backhoe service- also mobile welding service (arc gas).

Call Cotton Samuel, Cartervilie, 985 2643. INSULATION. AREA. Air Foam Insulation 20 off foam in sulation during month of June. 20 years serving southern Illinois.

Blown in for attics, spray on for foundations and metal buildings. Foam tor all types of buildings and homes. We can remove or replace your vinyl steel and aluminum sid ing. All work insured. Joe Cook.

803 N. Madison. Benton, II. 1 439 3595. REYNOLDS Aluminum Insulation Siding Installed Remodeling No Job Too Large or Small SRK Company 549-7732 120 Rental Services TRENCHERS.

CARBONDALE. RENTAL. 1817 West Sycamore. 457 4127. RED HEAD ANCHORS.

MARION. Tools 8a small equipment tor Home. Construction. Industry. POW'R TOOL, 1506 Boulevard.

997 4306. TV. CARBONDALE. Rent a new 25" Color TV. No credit check op tion to own no deposit.

Call WILLIAMS BROS. 549 4331. EZ RENTALS. CARBONDALE. Air Compressors, Sandbiasters Jack Hammers.

1817 W. Sycamore 457 4127. EZ RENTALS. CARBONDALE. Bostitch Air Nailers Staplers, rentsales.

1817 W. Sycamore 457 4127. 125 Help Wanted LPN. ZElGLER. II p.m.

to 7 a.m. shift. Zeigier Colonial Manor, 596 2235 984 2235. KITCHEN PERSONNEL. DE SOTO.

Full time, call 867 9363 after p.m., tor interview. DRUMMER, CARBONDALE. Rock band able to travel in this area. Gigs available. 457 8873.

LPN'S. WEST FRANKFORT. For the 7 to 3 relief shift, and the 11 to 7 shift. Parkview Nursing Home, 301 E. Garland.

TALENTED MUSICIANS, SOUTHERN ILLINOIS. For established Gospel Group. Must be dedicated. Phone 549 1030 after 4:30. BABY SITTER, CARTER VILLE.

Mature person for 2 young chil dren, days, evenings weekends required. 985 4496. SECRETARYBOOKKEEPER. MARION. Experienced only need apply.

Full time. Write Box MN 61 co Southern llimoisan, Marion. BABYSITTER, DESOTO. In my home, one or two days a week. References required.

Call 867 2752, except on Tuesday and Thursday. HELP WANTED TO CARE FOR ELDERLY LADY, CARTER-VILLE. in her home. Call 985 2625. after 2pm.

WANTEO AREA. National Com pany in largest field establishing representative now. Call 997-1083 appointment only. LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON wanted in around Williamson Jackson Counties. Call KOENEMAN AGENCY 2021.

LPN'S. WEST FRANKFORT. Part-time, 7 3 and full time or part time 117 shift. High salaries, good working conditions. Apply, American Beauty Nursing Home, 932 2109.

YARD HERRIN. Fri. no early sales. 2 Court Egyptian Heights. YARD SALE, CAR TERVILLE.

Friday and Saturday 8 a.m. till 5 p.m. 412 Missouri. 6 FAMILY SALE, MURPHYSBORO. 1818 Spruce.

Friday, Saturday Sunday. YARD SALE, MURPHYSBORO. Saturday, 8 to 4. 1315 1321 N. 16th St.

Baby items, all size clothing. YARO SALE. 402 Lucier. Murphys boro. Saturday, July 15, 8 a.m.

to 3 p.m. Priced low to sell, YARD SALE, MURPHYSBORO. 1930 Shoemaker Dr. Friday Sat urday. Miscellaneous items.

RUMMAGE SALE. HERRIN. 1120 N. 8th E. Bryant.

First time sale! 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Frl Sat. GARAGE SALE, HERRIN. Several families.

July 15. from 8 til 6. Harrison Woods, 2 Redbud Lane. YARD SALE, 10am to 4pm. CARBONDALE.

Saturday. 815 N. Allyn. GARAGE SALE. CARBONDALE.

Sat. 8am 5pm, 300 Freid- line. Furniture, clothes etc. GARAGE SALE. CARBONDALE.

Dogwood Road. 1 mile South off Gi ant City Road. Friday Saturday. YARD SALE, MURPHYSBORO. Saturday.

2110 Clay, 9 to 4. House hold miscellaneous boy's clothes. GARAGE SALE. CARBONDALE. Friday Saturday, Vt mile North Rt.

51 at Charles Road. YARD SALE. CARBONDALE. Today and Saturday, 400 S. Dixon St.

Bcycle. fabric, guitar, misc. GARAGE SALE. CARBONDALE. Park wood Subdivision.

7th house on right, five families. Sat. 8 3. YARD SALE. CARBONDALE.

616 N. Oakland, Saturday. 8 to 4. Books, games, toys, fine fabrics. much miscellaneous.

YARD SALE. HERRIN. 31 Orchard Drive. Friday Saturday. Lots of miscellaneous items.

Large size clothing. YARD SALE. MURPHYSBORO. Friday Saturday, 8 to 4. Several families.

Large variety, 2233 Alexander. GARAGE SALE. HERRIN. Fri. 9 a.m.

-4 p.m., 3 families. clothes miscellaneous. 2217 N. 13th. MOVING SALE, CARTERVILLE.

Fri. 203 Greenbrlar Rd. Love seat, chair, twin bed. dishes, clothes, many other items. YARD SALE.

MURPHYSBORO. Sat. 8 a m. to 5 p.m. Children, adult clothes.

Rain or shine. 2325 Alexander. YARD SALE. CARBONDALE. 9 to 5 July 14 15.

1002 Laurel, Desks, chest, chairs, dishwasher, bicycles. 18 violin, clothing. CARPORT SALE, CARBONDALE. Off Giant City Rd. Turn east at 900 north, 1st house on the left.


Last house on Grand Valley Estate Subdivision. All week. 2WICK YARD SALE. HERRIN. house to right of water tower on Watertower road S.

of Herrin. 8am 4pm. YARD SALE. CARBONDALE. Sat.

July 15. 9a.m. 1101 W. Willow, clothes, antiques, freezer and miscellaneous. CARBONDALE.

Four family furni ture, clothing and household Items. Saturday. July 15. 10 00 210 W. Elm.

GARAGE SALE. HERRIN. 1112 E. Ash, Sat July 15. 9 to 3.

Girl's clothes size 0 to 2, rock records. miscellaneous. YARD SALE, CARTERVILLE. Air, 16,000 BTU air conditioner $55. Swing set $10.

Furniture, clothes. Saturday. 402 Brown St. MOVING SALE, CARBOIN DALEMURPHYSBORO. On Old Rt.

13 going toward Murphysboro. July 15. 9am. BAsem*nT MOVING SALE, HERRIN. 1600 S.

13th, Sat. July 15. furniture etc. 9am 5pm. No early sales.

Free to good home. 6 months old male dog. part bird dog. YARD SALE, MAKANDA. Friday and Saturday.

9 a.m. to 6 p.m. An tiques, furniture, kitchen items and misc. 7th house south of Presley Tours on Old 51. HOUSEHOLD SALE.

CARBON DALE. 401 A Gay St. Nice antiques. furniture, dishes, fabrics. Many other items.

Thursday. Friday, Sat urday. 9am to 6pm. YARD SALE. MURPHYSBORO.

Thursday. Friday 8, Saturday. 342 Murphy St. Child's furniture, lamps dishes, Mexico vases 8 chests. etc.

RUMMAGE SALE. CARTER VILLE. Friday Saturda, 311 Ellis dishes, toys, childrens clothing, plants, electrical appli ances, etc. YARD SALE. CARBONDALE.

1602 W. Sycamore. Thursday. Friday. Saturday.

Clothing, furniture. books, rugs, etc. In garage if rain Ing. 8am to 5pm. GARAGE SALE.

MURPHYS BORO. 9am 3pm. 2 beds, baby bed, chairs, some adults 8 chil drens clothing, small appliances. lots of miscellaneous. 201 S.

22nd. YARD SALE, NW CARBONDALE. Saturday, 1008 W. Laurel. Bunk beds.

BW TV. bikes, toys, toddler, boys womens clothes. Glasses. dishes, silver more! 2 FAMILY MOVING SALE. CAR BONDALE.

Saturday, July 15, 8am. 2 miles South of Carbondale on 51. Follow signs, miscellaneous items. BAsem*nT SALE. MURPHYS BORO.

Fri. 5pm. CB's 8i camera equipment, antique 8t depression glassware, toddler clothing other items. IV-miles out. S.

20th. MOVING SALE, DE SOTO. Fri. Sat. from 8 to 4.

on Rt. 149 between De Soto hurst. 1st house east of the Little Muddy bridge. Baby items, lady's little boy's clothing. curtains, furniture, rugs dishes.

GARAGE SALE. CARBONDALE. 9 Hunter Woods (off Laurel St.) Good children adult clothes, toys. Wild Rider, Barbee, Tonka, furni ture lots of miscellaneous. Friday 8 Saturday 9 to 4.

FAMILY YARD SALE. MUR PHYSBORO. July 15. Corner of N. 14th Hanson.

8 am to 4 m. Kids clothes, stereo. 4 oak chairs, beer cans, antique bottles, crib. En cyclopedias of Photography. lots more.

CARPORT SALE. MURPHYS BORO. 1308 Olive St. Saturday, July 15. 8 a m.

to 5 p.m. Baby crib. stroller, clothes infant to size 2. Women's, size 12. Metal cat carrier, tape player, other mis cellaneous items.

No checks. GARAGE SALE, DE SOTO. Men's extra large shirts, sweaters, coats. pants size 38 40. Walnut drop leaf table.

Phillips Mini cassette. Wom en's size 5 8. Miscellaneous. Turn east at 4 way stop. 1st house on right.

867 2706. Saturday Sunday to 4. 220 Food and Entertainment PEACHES. FERGES. Old Johnston City Rd.

Turn South at Robco for mer oft ice. 1st house on left. METLEY PLUMS. HERRIN. Good eating fresh or canning.

15c a pound. Ed Ridgway Farms. CUSTOM MEAT PROCESSING, AREA. At 15 cents per pound. Pioneer Meat Processors, Phone 932-2872, W.

Frankfort. NOTICE: AREA. Wholesale Limou Beef; Buy a few pounds or try pound Economy Pac of Beef for $69.95, or half a beef at $1.15 per pound. Pioneer Meat Processors, 932 2872, W. Frankfort.

HOMEGROWN PEACHES, MAKANDA. Lodi apples.tomatoes. Wa termelons, fresh from the south. Open 8-7, 7 days a week. McGUIRES ORCHARD MAR KET 'a mile north of Makanda In tersection on Old 51, 457 5187.

SWEET CORN. CHESTER. Green Beans. Pick your own, or already picked. Farm Fresh vegetables, new potatoes, cabbage, squash, pop corn, new onions (red yellow) Craig's Vegetable Ber Farm, Hwy.

150. 2 miles East of Chester. 826 3608. 7 Days per week. 4 in ic es MURPHYSBORO.

(2) goid, match- ing swivel rockers, good condition. $20 pair. Dog house, $5. 687 2686. SMALL terville.

2644. HIDE-A BED couch, Car- $125, good condition. 985- GOLF CLUBS. CARBONDALE. Women's lightweight Spalding, New.

Slim Jim Exerciser. 549-6186. JUKE BOX, CARBONDALE. Cus tom made. Unique, 1 of a kind.

45 RPM, $250 or best 549 4481. FEDDERS CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING UNIT. CARBONDALE. 30,000 BTU, works perfectly now In use. 549 8226.

MOWERS. HERRIN. Riding, $150. 1 Push mower, $25, 1 push mower. $45 Pressure Canner.

$30. Office swivel chair, $35. Call 942 4959. BEAUTY SHOP HAIR DRYER CHAIRS. AVA.

Two. gold pad ded. Superba by Belverdere. per fect condition. $100.

426 3455. Discover the pleasure of SAUNA. For free brochure, contact STONE- HEAD MEDICAL EQUIPMENT. W. Main.

Carbondale. 529- 2522. HERRIN. Realistic 8 track stereo I cartridge tape recorder play back deck, $40. Sound sign 8 track player, $20.

AMFM Multiplex, $25. 150 Polaroid camera, complete. $20. Crossman pellet rifle. $25.

Walkie- Talkie, 3 channel, complete, $75. 942 4787. FOR SALE. WEST FRANKFORT. 6.000 lb.

Baker fork lift truck $3,000. TO 14 International dozer hydraulic 2" yard bucket $12,000. TD 18 In ternational dozer hydraulic 8 ft. blade for easy moving $7,500. 550 Suzuki motorcyle $850.

1974 Ford pickup, crew cab, air, automatic. power steering $22,000. Terrl bass fishing boat and trailer $750. 1976 750 Honda Motorcycle custom seat. front end handlebars and hooker header $1800.

932 3969 or after 5 p.m. 932 6660. POOLS FIBERGLASS WALLS WITH CONCRETE BOTTOM Construction PHONE 988-8559 185 Antiques MAKANDA. ROSE SHARON FARM Antiques Primitives. Rose- ville.McCoy.Weller.Old 51,549 7530.

WANTED. Carbondale. Used Fur niture 8. Antiques. SCOTT'S BARN.

across from Ramada Inn 549 7000. ANTIQUES, CHRISTOPHER. Col lectibles. Lamp Parts. Furniture.

REND LAKE ANTIQUES. 724 2117. WANTED. CARBONDALE. Used furniture antiques.

THE SPIDER WEB. 549 1782. STEELEVILLE ANTIQUES. Large store full of antiques, primitives furniture. Open Tues.

thru 9 to 5, or by appointment call 965 3936. HAMM'S BEER LIGHT. TAMAROA. "Sky Blue Waters Fly ing Glasses" Collectors item. $40.

496 3577. TWO LARGE RELIGIOUS PIC TURES FRAMES. TAMAROA. Beveled glass mirror other items. 496 3577.

CARTERVILLE. Area's finest. China. Glass, Collectibles. THE ANTIQUE.

308 S. Division. Frl. 1 4pm. KITCHEN CABINET, CARBON DALE.

Antique with glass doors. $50. Antique wall cabinet, frosted glass $35. Wrought Iron double bed $10. Antique barber chair, $30.

549 4481. 205 Wanted to Buy BABY CRIB, AIR CONDITIONER. TV antenna mast. Hurst. Call 987 2860.

after 6 p.m. WANTED: STANDING TIMBER LOGS. Contact us before selling. Koppers Jonesboro, Illinois, 618 833 2631. night 618 833 7845.

SIREN. GRAND TOWER. City IS interested in purchasing one used siren for civil defense and fire. Call Grand Tower City Hall 565 2014. WANTED 5000 TONS.

Paying Highest Cash Prices for scrap iron. metals of all kinds, batteries. rad ators. etc. MURPHYSBORO IRON, 19th Gartslde 684 382).

210 Auctions and Sales DAMERON LIVESTOCK AUC TION. VIENNA. SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY. 658 9737 or 658 8593. AUCTION, Sat.

July 15, 1978 402 S. Madison. MARION, 10 a.m. Person al property of the late Scottie Bill Gray, must sell furniture, furnish ings. antiques, etc.

Terms: Cash. Not Responsible for accidents. The Auctioneer Diz Carlton. AUCTION CONSIGNMENT. VER GENNES.

There will be no auction. Friday. July 14. There will be an auction July 21 at 7:30 p.m. Apart ment size washer dryer, like new; breakfast set; pink depression; window air conditioners; many other items.

Ray E. Doerr Auction Service. 684 6315. PUBLIC AUCTION. July 16 at 12 noon.

501 Plum Murphysboro. Furniture of all kinds, bedroom suites, old dresser with bevelled mirror, maple twin beds, glass door safes, old Logan House bar 4 stools, horse collar with brass hames, tillers, iron kettles, heating stoves, 3 300 gal. fuel tanks, wash boilers. 1891 horse plow, rose clip per plow. Partial listing.

Owner: Alfred Murray. Auctioneers: H. Vancil, Ava, IL phone 426 3543, J. Bollinger, Ellis Grove. IL 859 2294.

AUCTION. DE SOTO. Sun. July 16. 2 p.m.

1 mile South, Lindegren Farm, Personal Property and Real tsTare. a Acres. zx Gallon gas tank, fiberglass boat, kitchen table. portable metal building, lounging chair, stereo, swing set. watering tank, beds, construction wheel bar row, and irons, deep freeze, elec trie floor scrubber, ladders.

2 build ing tacks, gun rack, garden tools, card fable, antique hand plow, hand tools, many other Items. Real Estate sold on reserve. Owner Carl Lindegren, Auctioneer Ron Ree der. 687 2783. REAL ESTATE AUCTION, Sat.

July 22, at 1 P.M., located North east of Pmckneyville. West of Tamaroa, take Rt. 154 East of Pmckneyville to first cross road. then North 3' miles, turn east for l'j miles then North 1 mile to house Modern 4 bedroom home witn 10 acres. 28'x36 barn.

10'xl2' metal storage shed, small pond excellent area for large lake that would be approximately 40' feep. Approximately 4 acres in cultivation remaining in pasture: Home has living room with fireplace, kitchen with cabinets, dining room, utility room, 4 bedrooms, all hardwood floors, full bath, full basem*nt, garage carport, gas furnace, large shade trees, ideal country home with acreage. Terms 10 day or sale balance in approximately 30 days with title. Owners John Thomas 8j Arilla Fisher: NORB RICHTER AUCTION SERVICE. NEW BADEN, ILL.

588 4470. 215 Yard-Rummage Sales YARD SALE BAKE SALE. 1328 Hall Murphysboro. Saturday 8 to 5. MOVING SALE.

MURPHYSBORO. 1904 Edith, Fri. 8. 9am 5pm. Lots of everything.

PATIO SALE. MURPHYSBORO. 2004 Wall, Fri. July 14, 8am 5pm Sat. July 15, 9am-lpm.

YARD AND MOVING SALE. HERRIN. Furniture, clothing, misc. 611 13th St. Herrin.

Fri Sat. MOVING SALE. CARBONDALE. 904 S. Johnson, Fri.

10 a.m. 5 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.-12 noon. LARGE RUMMAGE SALE.

CARTERVILLE. 5 families, Ridgways Green House. Thurs. 8. Friday.

YARD SALE. CARBONDALE. 406 Sycamore, Fri. Miscellaneous. YARD SALE, HURST.

4 families. Sat. Sun. Clothing, boat, motor 8. trailer.

302 School St. UTILITY ROOM SALE, HERRIN. families. 1400 N. 11th.

Wednesday thru Saturday. 8am til 5pm. RUMMAGE SALE, PITTSBURG. Thursday Friday, On Rt. 166 before Pittsburg water tower.

5 io for sin 50 ry.

Southern Illinoisan from Carbondale, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.