R-513A Refrigerant Fact & Info Sheet - Refrigerant HQ (2024)

R-513A is an azeotropic HFO refrigerant meant to be a low GWP replacement for the HFC refrigerant, R-134A. Also referred to as Opteon XP10, the fluid consist of of two components: R-134A – which is an HFC refrigerant, and R1234yf, which is one of the most popular HFO refrigerants in the market.

If you’d like to know more about the refrigerant, its components, a possible R-513A phaseout, the pros of using the refrigerant, limitations, its applications, and the reason it’s one of the best R-134A replacements, here is a comprehensive fact and info sheet you can use.

We hope that you’ll have all the details you need by the end of this article.

R-513A Fact Sheet

As usual, we like providing our readers with a summarized table of every refrigerant we review. Here’s a summarized fact sheet on R-513A.

Name (2):Opteon XP10
Status:Active & Growing
Future:Will be phased out from 2024
System Type:medium and high-temperature refrigeration applications
Application:Air Conditioning
Application:Mobile air Conditioning
Application (2):Heat Pumps and Ice Stadiums
Application (3):Industrial Refrigeration
Application (4):Commercial and Industrial DX Cooling
Replacement For:R134A
Ozone Depletion Potential:0
Global Warming Potential:573
Global Warming Risk:Moderately low
Toxicity Levels:Low degree toxicity (A1)
Flammability Levels:Class 1 - No Flame Propagation
Lubricant Required:POE
Boiling Point:-29.2°C ( -20.56 °F)
Critical Temperature:96.5 ℃ (205.7 °F)
Critical Pressure:37.66 bar (546.2 psi)
Temperature Glide:0.0 K
Molar Mass:108.4 g·mol−1
Critical Density490 kg/m3
Vapor Pressure:7.13 bar (25 °C)
Manufacturing Facilities:All Over Including: USA, Mexico, EU, China, and others.
Odorslight ether-like odor as a liquified gas
EPA Certification Required:608 or 609 Required
Require Certification to Purchase?Yes
Cylinder Color:Unknown
Purchasing:Buy R513A in Bulk

PT Chart

A pressure-temperature chart (PT Chart) is an essential tool for any HVAC technician when charging a new refrigerant into a system or replacing the existing one. The PT chart indicates the temperature of the refrigerant at different pressure points and vice versa.

If the technician lacks this manual, they’d be working on the system blindly. This would cause them to charge the refrigerant inappropriately. Doing so can also reduce the efficiency of the system since it will have to work harder to remove heat or the system components might end up becoming damaged.

You can get a detailed PT chart on the product’s manual, which you can download from the manufacturer’s website. Here’s one you can use for R-513A.

What are the Properties of R-513A

R-513A is a hydrofluroolefin refrigerant blend that comprises of 2 refrigerants, 56% of R134A (HFC), and 44% of R1234yf (HFO). The refrigerant is an azeotropic refrigerant blend. These blends have two or more refrigerants/components that boil at the same temperature and will always condense and evaporate simultaneously during the refrigerant cycle.

One of the benefits of using an azeotropic refrigerant is that there have no temperature glide. Normally, temperature glide occurs when the blend contains refrigerants that boil at different temperatures. This lowers the efficiency of the refrigerant when removing heat from an object.

Additionally, R513A has an A1 classification (no toxicity) and is non-flammable. The refrigerant has a GWP 573, which is much lower than that of R-134A (1430).

R513A vs R-134A: Which One is Better

R-134A is a HFC refrigerant commonly used in mobile air conditioning, such as cars. It came into being as an R-12 alternative – a refrigerant with a high ozone depleting potential. Even though R-134A was an ideal option, it also is toxic to the environment since it has a high GWP of 1430. This pushed manufacturers to find alternative solutions for this problem.

One of the recommended replacement for R134A is R-513A. The refrigerant has a lower global warming potential than R-134A, which makes it less toxic to the environment. It also has similar qualities to R-134A, for instance, both refrigerants are:

  • Nonflammable
  • Nontoxic,
  • Similar boiling points.

These similar qualities make R-513A an ideal drop-in replacement for existing R134A systems.

Applications of the Refrigerant

R-513A is an ideal refrigerant for various medium to high temperature refrigeration applications. These include:

  • Mobile air conditioning

Most cars use R134A as a refrigerant for their air conditioning system. As of 2020, most new model cars will use R-513A, which belongs to the class of HFO refrigerants – a new generation of refrigerants that’s friendly to the environment.

  • Refrigerant for heat pumps

R-513A is an ideal refrigerant for heat pump because manufacturers will go for a refrigerant that is non-flammable, non-toxic, has a low GWP and ODP, and is easy to produce. The refrigerant should also have a critical temperature below/ around 100oC. R-513A has a critical temperature of 96.50C.

  • Industrial refrigeration

R-134A was widely used in industrial refrigeration since it met the requirements of most heating and cooling systems. This makes R-513A a suitable replacement since it has a better capacity and energy efficiency as R-134A. Hence, you can rely on the refrigerant for dairy processing, beverage production, cold food storage, etc.

  • Commercial and Industrial Direct Expansion (DX) cooling

Direct Expansion air conditioners in commercial and industrial settings use a refrigerant to transfer heat from one place to another. The refrigerant used needs to be environmentally friendly and able to cool under extreme pressures and temperatures. R-513A becomes an ideal option in this case since it is stable within extreme pressure and temperature.

  • Ice stadiums

Ammonia is a refrigerant used in most ice rinks. However, there have been concerns on the safety of ammonia in case of a leak. These sports facilities are opting to replace ammonia with R-513A since its nonflammable, chemically stable, and not toxic to the environment.

Pros of Using the Refrigerant

R-513A carries a variety of qualities that make it an ideal solution for various heating and cooling applications. For instance, it’s environmentally friendly. Apart from having a lower global warming potential, it is also non-toxic. The refrigerant is also nonflammable, which makes it safe and easy to use.

The refrigerant also has a slight ether-like odor as a gas. During a leak, you can easily detect it before further damage occurs. Note: No one should inhale the refrigerant directly since it can cause severe lung and brain damage. In case you inhale a refrigerant, seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Other notable benefits of using R-513A:

  • It’s easy to use
  • It has a low boiling point
  • It has no temperature glide
  • It’s chemically stable even in high pressures and temperature

Problems of Using the Refrigerant

As you already know, no refrigerant is perfect and R-513A comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the most notable ones is a potential R-513A phase-out. In regards to the F-gas regulation, this refrigerant may not be in use in the future because it is a fluorinated chemical that has a high GWP. The high GWP might have a long-term negative effect to the environment if we continue to use it in large quantities.

Another problem (although it might not be significant) is the odor. Refrigerants with odors emit a chemical-like smell all the time.


That’s it. We hope that you have all the details you need to know about R-513A by now. Thanks for taking time to read our article. If you have any questions about the refrigerant or any other detail about the refrigerant industry, be sure to reach out to us.

Useful Links

R-513A Refrigerant Fact & Info Sheet - Refrigerant HQ (2024)
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