Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (2024)

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Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates

Hua Yan and Marko Robnik
Phys. Rev. E 109, 054211 – Published 21 May 2024
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We undertake a thorough investigation into the phenomenology of quantum eigenstates, in the three-particle Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. Employing different Husimi functions, our study focuses on both the α-type, which is canonically equivalent to the celebrated Hénon-Heiles Hamiltonian, a nonintegrable and mixed-type system, and the general case at the saddle energy where the system is fully chaotic. Based on Husimi quantum surface of sections, we find that in the mixed-type system, the fraction of mixed eigenstates in an energy shell [EδE/2,E+δE/2] with δEE shows a power-law decay with respect to the decreasing Planck constant . Defining the localization measures in terms of the Rényi-Wehrl entropy, in both the mixed-type and fully chaotic systems, we find a better fit with the β distribution and a lesser degree of localization, in the distribution of localization measures of chaotic eigenstates, as the controlling ratio αL=tH/tT between the Heisenberg time tH and the classical transport time tT increases. This transition with respect to αL and the power-law decay of the mixed states, together provide supporting evidence for the principle of uniform semiclassical condensation in the semiclassical limit. Moreover, we find that in the general case which is fully chaotic, the maximally localized state, is influenced by the stable and unstable manifold of the saddles (hyperbolic fixed points), while the maximally extended state notably avoids these points, extending across the remaining space, complementing each other.

  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (1)
  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (2)
  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (3)
  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (4)
  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (5)
  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (6)
  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (7)

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  • Received 23 January 2024
  • Accepted 9 May 2024


©2024 American Physical Society

Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

  1. Research Areas

Quantum chaos

Statistical Physics & Thermodynamics

Authors & Affiliations

Hua Yan* and Marko Robnik

  • CAMTP–Center for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Maribor, Mladinska 3, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia, European Union
  • *

See Also

Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. I. Density of states and spectral statistics

Hua Yan and Marko Robnik
Phys. Rev. E 109, 054210 (2024)

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Vol. 109, Iss. 5 — May 2024

Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (8)
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  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (12)

    Figure 1

    Classical Poincaré surface of sectionfor α-FPUT with α=1 at two energies, E=0.14 (a)and E=0.16 (b), and for the general case with λ=1/16 at E=1/3 the saddle energy (c), generated by one single chaotic orbit.

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  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (13)

    Figure 2

    Examples of Husimi functions of six eigenstates in the energy interval [EδE/2,E+δE/2] at E=0.14 with δE/E0.0014, for the singlet of α-FPUT with α=1. Here, the irreducible Hilbert space is of size NS=60301, with the cutoff of n set to N=600 and the Planck constant =1×103. Panels (a1)–(a6): Husimi QSOS given by Eq.(25) plotted in the logarithmic scale, the darkest blues show the area where Q¯k(α2)<1011. Panels (b1)–(b6) are plots of the completely projected Husimi functions Pk(α2) of Eq.(26) and panels (c1)–(c6) are the projected Husimi functions from the classical energy shell P̃k(α2) given by Eq.(27). Panels (d1)–(d6): projected Husimi functions in configuration space P̃k(q) of Eq.(28). The darker colors in panels (b1)–(d6) for projected Husimi functions indicate larger density, where the color scale on the right encodes the relative amplitude. Panels from the same column correspond to the same eigenstate.

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  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (14)

    Figure 3

    Husimi QSOS plotted in the logarithmic scale, of the same eigenstate as the one shown in Fig.2, but with much higher resolution about 1×106 grid points. It corresponds to SOS of Fig.1.

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  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (15)

    Figure 4

    Examples of Husimi functions of six eigenstates in the energy interval [EδE/2,E+δE/2] at E=1/3 with δE/E0.002, for the singlet of general FPUT with λ=1/16. Here, the cutoff of n is set to N=600 and the Planck constant =5×103. Panels (a1)–(a6): Husimi QSOS given by Eq.(25) plotted in the logarithmic scale. Panels (b1)–(b6): projected Husimi functions in configuration space P̃k(q) given by Eq.(28) plotted with the color scale on the right encoding the relative amplitude. Panels in the same column correspond to the same eigenstate.

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  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (16)

    Figure 5

    (a)The histogram of distribution of the overlap index M for an ensemble of approximately 1200 eigenstates, in the energy interval [EδE/2,E+δE/2] at E=0.14 with δE/E0.01, for the singlet of α-FPUT, where the irreducible Hilbert space is of size NS3.75×105. Here, the cutoff N=1500 and the Planck constant =(4±0.016)×104. (b)Regions of different (logarithmic) values of the SALI on the classical SOS for E=0.14 the same as Fig.1, at t=1000: the initial conditions colored dark blue correspond to chaotic orbits, the yellowish color indicates ordered motion, and the intermediate color suggests sticky orbits. Panels (b1)–(b4): Husimi QSOS plotted in the logarithmic scale, for four eigenstates selected from the ensemble, with different values of M index, from left to right M1,0.5,0.5,1, respectively, where the darkest blue indicates area where Q¯k(α2)<1011.

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  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (17)

    Figure 6

    The histogram of distribution of overlap index M for an ensemble of approximately 1200 eigenstates from the singlet of α-FPUT, in the energy interval [EδE/2,E+δE/2] with δE/E0.01, for energies E=0.14 (top panels), and E=0.16 (bottom panels). The Planck constant is =0±j0/1000, where from left to right 0=1×103(withj=0,1,2,3,4,5),7×104(withj=0,2,4),4×104(withj=4).

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  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (18)

    Figure 7

    Decay of the fraction of mixed eigenstates χM(E,) with respect to the Planck constant , at two energies E=0.14 (squares) and E=0.16 (circles), where δE/E0.01 and N(E,δE,)1200. The dash-dotted lines and dashed lines show the power law χM(E,)ξ, where (a)is for mixed eigenstates with 0.8M0, and in (b)0.8M0.8.

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  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (19)

    Figure 8

    (a1) The variance of momentum σp2=p2p2 vs t for α-FPUT with α=1 at E=0.14, where σp2 is calculated with 4000 initial conditions from the classical SOS that are uniformly distributed in the chaotic region with q2[0.25,0.15] and p2=0. The red dashed horizontal line indicates σp2¯, the longtime averaged value of σp2. (a2) The temporal fluctuation of σp2, as a function of time, across the time windows [tΔt/2,t+Δt/2], with Δt=30, and the blue dashed horizontal line indicates the threshold 2% of the peak value of μp2. (b1), (b2) Analogous data as (a1), (a2) respectively, at E=0.16. (c)Classical transport time tT as a function of energy E in α-FPUT (Hénon-Heiles), using two different thresholds. (d)tT vs E in general FPUT (2% threshold).

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  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (20)

    Figure 9

    Scaled semiclassical DOS 2π2g(E) for α-FPUT (a)and the general case (b), where the red dashed vertical lines denote the saddle energies (see paper I). (c)Ratio αL as a function of 1/, where black dashed line is for E=0.14 and blue dash-dotted line for E=0.16, in α-FPUT, with respect to the bottom x axis (colored in black). On the lines the black and blue dot indicate αL at =4×104. The red solid line is for E=1/3 in general FPUT, with respect to the top x axis in red color, where the red dot indicates the ratio at =2×103.

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  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (21)

    Figure 10

    Distributions of the α=1 and α=2 Rényi-Wehrl ELMs, for the M0.8 eigenstates, as a function of the Planck constant (indicated at the top of each column, the Planck constant remains constant across each respective column), at two energies for the singlet of α-FPUT. The main figuresshow the histogram and its best-fitting β distribution, while the insets show the corresponding cumulative distribution. (Colors online: black are data, red is the best-fitting). The vertical dash lines indicate L|R10.66 for α=1 cases and L|R2=0.5 for α=2, from random pure states. Parameters of the best fit β distribution for P(L1) from left to right: at E=0.14 are (6.81,2.32), (7.91,2.80), (7.49,2.26), (7.17,2.35) and at E=0.16 are (8.87,2.33), (10.49,3.02), (11.27,3.62), (13.17,4.55) with L01=0.76, where for P(L2) here we set L02=0.64. Eigenstates for the statistics in each panel, are selected from an ensemble of N(E,δE,)1200 states with δE/E0.01.

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  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (22)

    Figure 11

    The parameter βa extracted from the best-fitting β distribution, versus the controlling ratio αL, for the singlet of α-FPUT with various Planck constant , at two energies E=0.14 (squares) and E=0.16 (circles). The (triangle) data point indicated by the arrow corresponds to the general case with λ=1/16 at E=1/3, is obtained from the distribution of ELMs shown in Fig.12. The inset displays the coefficient of determination, R2, plotted against αL, which serves as a measure of the goodness of fit.

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  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (23)

    Figure 12

    Top panels: distributions of the α=1 and α=2 Rényi-Wehrl ELMs of N(E,δE,)1200 eigenstates, from the singlet of general FPUT with λ=1/16, at energy E=1/3 with δE/E0.01 and =2×103. Parameters of the best-fitting β distribution for P(L1) are (11.60,2.55),L01=0.72 and L02=0.59. The vertical dashed lines indicate L|Rα. Middle panels: Husimi QSOSs given by Eq.(25) (plotted in the logarithmic scale) of the maximally localized and extended states, which are pointed out by red arrows in the left top panel. Bottom panels: Projected Husimi functions in configuration space P̃k(q) given by Eq.(28) (the color scale encodes the relative amplitude), for the same two states plotted previously in the middle panels.

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  • Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (24)

    Figure 13

    A flowchart illustrating the relation between the projected Husimi function in configuration space and the configuration-space probability density |ψk(q)|2, linked through the Wigner function.

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Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model. II. Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates (2024)
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